Unemployment is a serious problem that affects the individual and society in different ways.

For the individual, unemployment can lead to financial instability, loss of self-esteem, stress and depression. Unemployment can also affect interpersonal, family and social relationships, which can lead to isolation and loneliness.

For society, unemployment can lead to economic decline, lower production and less economic growth. Unemployment can also lead to social tensions, increased crime and social exclusion. Society may also incur costs associated with unemployment, such as expenditure on unemployment benefits and expenditure on training and education programmes to help the unemployed find work.

Unemployment can also affect individual and societal health. Unemployed people are more likely to suffer from health problems such as heart disease, depression and stress-related illnesses. Unemployment can also lead to exclusion from health care, especially in countries where health care is linked to employment.

Consequently, unemployment is a problem that requires attention and action by individuals, society and government. It is necessary to create economic policies that counter unemployment and help unemployed people find jobs. Supporting training and education can also help the unemployed to acquire new skills and find a job. It is also important to provide access to health care and psychological support for the unemployed.

What are the effects of unemployment on the individual and society?


  1. International Labour Organization. (2019). World employment and social outlook: Trends 2019. International Labour Office.
  2. Paul, K. I., & Moser, K. (2009). Unemployment impairs mental health: Meta-analyses. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 74(3), 264-282.
  3. Warr, P. (1987). Work, unemployment, and mental health. Oxford University Press.
  4. World Health Organization. (2011). Unemployment and health: A review of the literature. World Health Organization.
  5. Tags: bezrobocie, jednostka, społeczeństwo, produkcja, wzrost gospodarczy, wykluczenie społeczne, opieka zdrowotna.